From the Sardinian Faith to the Corbula On this page you will find numerous curiosities about the jewels on our Marina Ferraro jewels site. For any other questions please do not hesitate to contact us. Enjoy the reading!

The Sardinian Faith : between history and magic..

The Sardinian faith is linked to the oldest and most heartfelt Sardinian traditions.

In the legend…

Legend has it that the first Sardinian faith was forged by the Janas, the fairies who inhabited the wildest areas of pre-Nuragic Sardinia. Inside their homes, the "domus de Janas", the industrious fairies patiently and meticulously wove the thin gold threads creating unique jewels. The creations were then worn by them on special occasions, such as meeting with the deity.

Tradition has it that before proposing eternal love to his future bride, the man turned to the Janas for their protection and help. The fairies, to support the young man, wove a gold thread creating a Sardinian wedding ring that he was supposed to make the girl wear on the left ring finger, the exact point where a vein passes that goes directly to the heart, the vena amoris.

In history….

The Sardinian faith in antiquity was handed down from generation to generation. The passage took place during the great occasions of life: marriage or the birth of a child; therefore he accompanied the same family for centuries and thus became a witness to a time that passes inexorably.

In the Sardinian faith, the small spheres represent the grains of wheat and are therefore a symbol of prosperity, wealth and fertility, the intertwined threads of the filigree indicate the precious and indissoluble bond between the two components of the couple.

It is for this reason that the Sardinian faith is surrounded by such a magical and unearthly aura!

The Corbula

Corbula jewels are among the best known and most appreciated on the island, simple but effective, let's discover their story together!

The name means "natural fiber basket", the Corbula is in fact the large Sardinian basket, without handles, which was part of the bride's dowry.

The artisan artists were the Sardinian women who skilfully and lovingly weaved and embroidered the baskets, enriching them with particular decorations. Making a beautiful Corbula was a personal pride, for this reason women did not hesitate to ask the corbulai, the itinerant sellers of Corbule, for advice.

The common function of the Corbula was to contain and transport bread, flour or measure the grain (it was, in fact, one of the ancient instruments for measuring grain), but it also had an aesthetic function: it was hung on the wall or displayed on shelves to furnish and give warmth to the domestic environment and today also worn as a jewel.

The truncated cone and spiral shape of the corbula recalls fertility and prosperity: the qualities of the woman who generates life. The basket represents, in fact, the female function of containing and maintaining life, of protecting and nourishing.

It is precisely the basket that inspired the creation of the iconic jewel, which is a real miniature Sardinian basket which, with its brilliant spirals, manages to enchant, remaining unscathed by the passing of time and changing fashions.